After waking at 5.00am, attempting to eat some breakfast and drinking several, but not too many, cups of coffee (Shane gets very annoyed at having to stop for too many toilet breaks!), we wake Jacob at about 6.00am and dress him quickly and plonk him in the back of the car in the hope that not having woken him for too long he will drift back off to sleep.  Fortunately this plan works for a while and Jacob manages to get some more shut eye.  Being Boxing Day the roads are very clear which helps Shane to shephard the motor up to a half decent speed withoutout the missus using her imaginary brakes, side seat handles and tut-tuting all the way up the M6 therefore we make excellent time arriving in Manchester at about 9.30am. 

We drive around for a short time trying to find somewhere "secure" to park the car for the day, Shane's attitude of 'F*ck it, we pay insurance don't we?' doesn't bode well with the cup half full Mrs askam.  So one backhanded payment later and we are in the Official Car park (that should make it safer in Manchester), right outside the front of Old Trafford, Bonus.  This also solves Sam's allergy to walking more than 25 metres, and so we set off for the Manchester United Megastore. 

Jacob has of course amassed OOodles of cash over Xmas and has been told he pretty much has carte blanche on what it must be spent on. Now this to a 7 yr old who thinks that the standard answer to any question beginning with the words "Please can I" is "NO!" is an invitation not to be missed.He therefore procceeds to spend it all on framed pictures of the squad and his hero Wayne Rooney Shin pads. strip. hat, gloves and oh so much, much more.  Still you are only 7 once, and it is your 1st Visit to the theatre of dreams.  A proud moment for any dad.  Of course mum was proud too, but I think she was more impressed with the way he shopped.

Megastore done, bags dropped off in the car, walked around the ground, photos taken everywhere and so onto Pizza Hut for an all you can eat.  YUM, YUM.  Diet starts in January.

I have never understood people who arrive at the last minute and leave ten minutes before the end of the game in order to beat traffic.  Truth be told it bugs the sh*t out of me.  So we are firmly seated with a good 40 minutes to go.  Photo opportunity, players warmed up, filling of the ground, singing starts and insults are traded with the opposition.  Just before the match kicks off, there is a buzz of excitement and a cheer.  Chelsea are not having a good day hosting Reading.

Jacob had predicted a 3-1 win to Manchester United, with a Hat trick for Ryan Giggs.  Maybe I should have half listened and put a few bob on it as 3-1 it was at the full time whistle, Giggsy however didn't play.  All three of us had a thoroughbly good day, including 'Fish'n Chips' before the drive home.  A delicassy unavailable in it's trueist form in Germany and appreciated by all.  The drive back is even quicker as we are stopping of for an overnight in Leicester at Granma's.

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