Ahhhhhhhh Granmas house.  We arrive late having had a long day at Old Trafford and under the Christmas tree are yet more preesies for Jacob.  He of course is delighted, Shane on the other hand realising that nobody we have visited has paid a blind bit of notice when we said  don't buy him too much this year as we have to get it home in the car is a little less enthused.  Already planning what tat and rubbish he can buy to fill all the suitcases with when anyone visits us does however keep him amused if only for a short while.

 Off to bed for Jacob soon after arrival and not too much longer til all the grown ups are snoring away too.  Long as it has been  today the sisters and nieces visit tomorrow, energy required!!!!

The day starts early as Jacob awakes wanting to re-watch the United game on Match of the day, and Football first, and so just like Bagpus, when Jacob wakes up all his little friends wake up, the joys of parenthood.

Football dusted, we shoot of and pick up Kelsie as heidi is still at work.  We decide to get out off the house for a bit and where better than a pub with a soft play area.  Kids get tired out whilst mum, dad & granma get to sit around and chat.

Soon back at Granmas house and the rest of the gang turn up, all in all there is eleven of us at one stage crammed into the front room.  It is great fun catching up but a bit like a chimps tea party getting fed, the adults that is the kids were just fine.

Kelsie & Jacob strutting their stuff?

Time at Granma's always seems to finish too quickly, but Jacob & Kelsie kill that feeling off with a 2 pronged attack on Shane to play, fight just generally get battered actually and so soon the thoughts of getting on our way appear. 

Shane gets ready to bash their heads together!

Back to nannies tomorrow follwed by the drive home.  Oh how I love the drive home.

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