Going home for Christmas

After months of disagreement and Shane losing at Rock, Paper, Scissors it was agreed that the family would spend Christmas at Sam's folks in Ely, Cambridge (Damn that cunning paper!), and visit some friends since we had not been home in over two years. 

After finishing work on 21st December and stuffed to the gunnels with hidden presents and contraband Duty Frees we set off on 'Operation White Cliffs - Dover or Bust'. 

In order to keep Jacob entertained and Mum and Dad sane throughout the journey, Jacob was comfortably seated in the back with portable DVD player and Game Boy. A brain wave the night before (thinking it might be educational to explain the journey ), backfired spectacularly, as for the whole of the 6Hr journey to Calais was a constant bombardment from the 7yr old inquisitive mind on the back seat.  'Are we in Holland/Belgium/France/nearly at the ferry yet?'  The boy was in serious risk of a chin lifter if only to get him to sleep! 

Other than that, the roadworks, fog bound UK and the heartstoppping moment of discovering the cost to fill up the car in England, the journey was fairly uneventful.  Jacob fortunately fell asleep just a couple of hours prior to the end of the 12Hr journey!  Never mind, my soon to be grumpy son would be Nannie & Grandad's problem!  The grown ups intended to sleep most of the next day.  Apparantly it is very tiring being in the passenger seat whilst your husband drives? Hmmmmm!

At last we arrived and after avoiding the obligatory, Cups of tea/hand shakes/sausage rolls/comments of how crappy and tired we looked and of course that question that is always one of the first to be asked when you arrive somwhere for a stay, 'How long are you here for?', we started to unpack our Tardis like Honda.  Very soon we had unloaded enough to not only take over the allocated bedrooms but also enough of the downstairs to have made ourselves feel right at home.

The Askams had arrived!

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